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Since the Amazon Search Query Performance Dashboard has also been available for Amazon store operators in Germany, the report has gained increased attention in this country.

What is the tool all about and what can the Amazon Search Query Performance Dashboard be used for? We provide the answers.

What is the Search Query Performance Report on Amazon?

The Amazon Search Query Performance Dashboard is a tool provided by Amazon to help sellers and advertisers Information about the performance of your product ads on the sales platform to give. It provides detailed information about the search behavior of customers on Amazon and gives insight into the number of clicks and impressions of search queries as well as the sales generated by the search queries.

The dashboard also shows other relevant key figures such as the click-through rate (CTR), the cost per click (CPC), the conversion rate (CR) and the total sales generated by the ads. The report is therefore a Combination of different Search-Funnel visual contactsin which you can find the respective data in a specific period - for example quarterly, monthly or weekly.

From the first impressions and clicks through to the purchase decision, the Search Query Performance Report for providers therefore provides important data for analyzing store performance. At the same time, the report provides helpful information on how your brand is performing in the Comparison with the competition cuts off.

The Amazon Search Query Performance Dashboard is therefore a useful tool that sellers can use to better assess the performance of their products and, based on this, to improve their sales. more targeted decisions can make. This includes, for example, decisions about which search queries should be targeted in future or which measures should be taken to optimize product ads.

There is usually one main goal behind all these decisions: the increase in returns.

Incidentally, the Search Query Performance Report has only been available in Germany since fall 2022. Previously, Amazon merchants only had access to a search term report, which provided significantly less accurate and less comprehensive data.

Where can I find the Search Query Performance Report?

The Search Query Performance Report is available to all authorized sellers on the Amazon platform under the tab "Search query performance" in the Seller Central account to find. This can be accessed via the "Brands" option, where the "Brand analysis" tab and then the "Query performance" must be clicked. Alternatively, retailers can also access the report via the link:

As the dashboard has only been available to German retailers for a few months, the USA is currently set as the marketplace by default. In order for German suppliers to receive data specifically for Germany, DE must first be set as the marketplace.

Amazon plans to further improve the report and provide a download option for the report in the form of an Excel or CSV file in the coming months.

What data can I read from the Amazon Search Query Performance Report?

Amazon's Search Query Performance Dashboard provides data for the respective 1000 most relevant search queries for a specific brand. Using an internal algorithm, these are weighted according to relevance - key factors here are primarily impressions, clicks and purchases.

Although the report has only been available since the end of 2022, retailers can view the reporting period up to March 2022. This makes it easier to analyze the brand's performance for fluctuations over time, for example depending on the season. Sellers can also see how the performance of the products has changed after they have introduced special marketing measures such as vouchers or discounts.

If the dashboard is called up on the Amazon Seller Central account, the following are first displayed via 30 different columns displayed. At first glance, this seems a little confusing - but the data is actually structured in a sensible way and relatively easy to understand. For a better understanding, we explain the most important KPIs and their functions.

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Search Volume

The Search Volume column provides information about the absolute Number of search queries - This indicates how often a certain search query was made in a defined period of time. The so-called funnels, which act as a kind of search funnel, are based on the search volume.

The Search Query Performance Report funnels provide helpful data on each product, such as how many customers see the product ad, add it to their shopping cart or ultimately buy it.


Basically, the absolute number of search queries (search volume) is the starting point for every funnel - including impressions. These indicate how often potential customers are shown an ad or product in the search results or on a product page. The number of impressions is always greater than the search volume, as customers are always shown several products in an Amazon search query.

The KPI Impressions also provides information about the Number of brandswhich were displayed within the total impressions. This is referred to as the brand count, from which the market share of the respective brand is calculated. This shows how often a brand is listed for a certain number of impressions.

However, only the percentage can be determined here - no information is provided about the rank. It is therefore also possible that your own products are not displayed in the first search results despite a good market share.


Another important funnel revolves around the key figure clicks. First of all, the absolute number of clicks is displayed. This provides information on how often the product was accessed during a user's search query. As with the impressions, the Amazon Search Query Performance Report also provides information on the brand count and the brand share. These key figures are generally a good indication of whether potential customers are interested in the products.

Here too, the click rate of your own brand can be compared with that of your competitors - i.e. the total click rate. This allows the market share to be determined in terms of the number of clicks.

Is your market share in searches for your brand name below 70 to 80 percent? Then this is a clear indication that you should protect your brand better.

Add to Cart

The funnel continues to the Add to Card category. This key figure provides information about this, how often a product is added to the customer's shopping cart and the Number of purchasesthat took place as a result - i.e. the conversion rate (CR). A poor CR should give reason to optimize the product page. If the CR is low, the title, images and bullet points often benefit from a revision.

The Add to Card category also shows the respective market shares. Amazon also provides data on the average prices of the products, the brand and the total average prices. With the help of this information, retailers can easily Turnover of the respective search query calculate.

Total sales can also be read off here and compared over time. This is helpful in determining the success of Amazon advertising or other marketing measures.

How do I use the Search Query Performance Report on Amazon?

Basically, every retailer uses search analytics data for different purposes. Nevertheless, some General recommendations that are useful for the use of this report.

First of all, providers should get an overview of the Development of the data over time to create. This allows the impact of various marketing campaigns or activities to be measured and any adjustments or fundamental changes to strategy to be made.

Also with regard to the Keyword strategy the report provides some helpful input. Among other things, individual keyword pushing can be used to improve the performance of the products. This effect can then be made visible by analyzing the traffic of organic clicks.

Take your chance now

Are you curious about which keywords attract buyers to your store page? Want to find out how you can increase your share of search results and boost your sales on Amazon in the long term? The Amazon Search Query Performance Dashboard makes all of this possible and offers sellers the valuable opportunity to gain deep insights into the performance of their product portfolio and optimize their store accordingly.

Does this article raise more questions than answers for you? Then rely on the knowledge of experts who can help your Amazon store with the the right know-how and many years of experience up to scratch. Together with Tobias Dziuba, we get the most out of your Amazon store and ensure first-class brand performance.

From SEO measures to marketing campaigns and paid ads, we optimize your store and always work in line with your individual goals and expectations. Together, we use the Amazon Search Query Performance Dashboard to offer your customers the best possible shopping experience and increase your sales in the long term.

The Amazon Search Query Reports are a great help here. They provide important information, including on the following key questions:

  • How do customers search for products?
  • How do my products perform compared to the competition?
  • Did customers reject my product or was it not shown to them at all?
  • What other problems exist in the sales funnel?

The dashboards

For a better understanding of the report, we will explain in detail how you can use the individual Amazon Brand Analytics dashboards for yourself.

The Query Performance Dashboard Sellern provides an overview of the Buyer demand. This allows retailers to view the search terms for individual products or even the brand and assess which terms perform best in terms of search volume, impressions and clicks. They can also determine whether the products have been added to the shopping cart and ultimately purchased.

The Query Performance Dashboard lists the most important 1000 search terms for a brand, with each line of the displayed table reflecting a search term. Retailers can take a closer look at the search terms for individual products or even the entire brand and thus determine whether they dominate for a search term or only have a small market share.

Amazon offers retailers another dashboard that provides valuable data on the performance of their own Amazon store: The Brand Catalog Performance Dashboard provides information about the performance of the products - but independently of the search terms. This allows retailers to determine whether customers are generally finding their products and how they are performing in terms of clicks, shopping cart ads and purchases.

For a complete analysis picture, retailers can also use the Brand catalog dashboard and view data on search traffic. This can then be examined in more detail via the query performance dashboard.

Customer demand

In order to optimize the performance on Amazon, a good customer understanding is the be-all and end-all. If retailers understand the needs of their customers, not only can the marketing strategy and product pages be adapted accordingly, but also the product itself.

The Query Performance Dashboard provides a helpful overview of users' search queriesHow often are certain terms searched for and how do customers use these search terms? At the same time, the dashboard also provides valuable information about the share of a brand in the search results. This allows Amazon retailers to identify exactly which search queries have led users to the products and how the performance behaves over time.

TipLooking at the top search queries for a particular category is a useful way of finding out the most popular keywords in a particular market and aligning your business strategy accordingly.

Conclusion - Amazon Search Query Performance Dashboard 

The Search Query Performance Dashboard provides a whole range of useful data that Amazon merchants can use to evaluate the performance of their products. Not only does it provide information on how often certain search terms are used and the visibility of your own products, but it also provides data on the click rate and conversion rate. The funnel data can also be used to calculate the market share of your own brand and retailers can find out how individual products are performing on the platform.

Based on the Search Query Performance Report, sellers can analyze their Amazon presence in depth and make adjustments if necessary. This makes the report a helpful tool that is indispensable for many retailers to achieve their business goals.

Together with Tobias Dziuba you too can make it to the top with your Amazon store. We are informed about every current development of the Amazon Marketplace and are always up to date - so we can offer our customers the best possible support and achieve the goal of a successful Amazon account together.

Tobias Dziuba

My name is Tobias and I am the founder and managing director of the Amazon agency Adsmasters GmbH based in Düsseldorf.

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