Since the beginning of 2017, AdWords now also offers the option of using IF parameters in the ad texts of AdWords ads. Today I'll explain how you can use IF functions and what they can be used for.
What are IF functions?
IF functions offer the option of displaying certain ad content if the respective condition of the IF function is fulfilled. However, as long as the condition of the IF function is not fulfilled, the specified standard text continues to appear. This has the advantage that the respective ad is optimally adapted to the search intent of the searcher, which is usually associated with a higher CTR and lower CPC.
Where can you use IF functions?
IF functions can be used in any section of the Google AdWords search network ad, with the exception of the final URL. However, they are particularly used in the description, as this is where there is the most space for an IF function. At the moment, however, the IF functions can only be used for targeting devices and target groups. The following example illustrates what is meant by this:
Example Alignment to devices:
If a search command is issued via a mobile device, the IF function could look like this:
Ad title 1: Gifts for Mother's Day
Ad title 2: now up to 20 % reduced Description:
Personalized gifts for Mother's Day. {=IF(device=mobile, Order on smartphone!):Order now!}
If the search is now completed via a mobile device, the display looks as follows:
Gifts for Mother's Day - now reduced by up to 20 %
Personalized gifts for Mother's Day. Order on your smartphone.
If, on the other hand, the search is completed via a PC, the display appears as follows:
Gifts for Mother's Day - now reduced by up to 20 %
Personalized gifts for Mother's Day. Order now!
Example Alignment with the target group :
The IF function can be applied not only based on the end device, but also based on the assumption that the searcher can be found in a retargeting list. The corresponding IF function can be applied as follows:
Ad title 1: Gift ideas for children
Display title 2: now{=IF(audience IN(target group 1),30 %):20 %} cheaper.
Description: Unique birthday gifts for children. Order now!
If the search is carried out by a user from target group 1, the following display appears:
Gift ideas for children - now 30 % cheaper
Unique birthday gifts for children. Order now!
If the search is carried out by a person outside target group 1, the ad appears in the following form:
Gift ideas for children - now 20 % cheaper
Unique birthday gifts for children. Order now!
Alternatives to the IF function
However, the IF function is not the only way to customize Google AdWords ads based on search queries. The keyword insertion option and a countdown function have been available for some time now.
Keyword placeholder/keyword insertion
The keyword placeholder is an AdWords function with which the search keyword is automatically transferred to the ad text (headline & description). For example, if "buy gifts online" is used as a keyword placeholder and this term is searched for, it is automatically displayed in the ad text.
This works as follows:
{KeyWord:Buy gifts online} Online gift store
If the search term is "buy gifts online", the keyword: buy gifts online will also appear. If the search term is different, gifts online store appears in the ad text.
There are different types of writing:
{keyword:...} all words are written in lower case letters
{Keyword:...} the first letter of the first word is capitalized
{KeyWord:...} each initial letter is capitalized
The countdown function/real-time updates
Another way to spice up your Google AdWords ads with smart functions is with real-time updates. Google refers to real-time updates as the option to specify an end date for the ad, whereupon Google calculates the remaining time and displays this in the ad. This is an excellent way of visually highlighting your AdWords ads, especially for limited-time offers.
How to use the real-time update function:
{=COUNTDOWN("2017/06/1 23:59/59", "en", 10)}
The countdown now runs until June 1 at 23:59:59 and begins 10 days before June 1.
After entering the curly bracket and the countdown variable in the ad text, you can select the option.