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The year 2020 brought with it many innovations in terms of Amazon Advertising, so that the normal retailer on Amazon could quickly lose track. 

Shortly before the turn of the year - in the middle of the Christmas shopping season - Amazon secretly released another additional function that now also gives Amazon merchants without advertising via Amazon DSP the opportunity to run retargeting campaigns. In this article, you can find out what retargeting campaigns are in relation to Amazon and how you too can now run them.

Retargeting campaigns

The term retargeting has long been familiar to online retailers who place ads on Google and Facebook. Most Amazon-only retailers, on the other hand, were not yet familiar with the term retargeting.

With retargeting ads or campaigns, a target group that has already visited your own product listings on Amazon is addressed again with ads. 

People who have not visited the seller's product detail page in the last 30 days will not be targeted with retargeting ads.

In addition to addressing people who have been on your product detail pages in the last 30 days, there is also the option of addressing people who have viewed product pages of similar products in the last 30 days.

Both user-defined target groups are currently only available for Sponsored Display ads; this option is not available for Sponsored Brand or Sponsored Product ads.

retargeting amazon

So what is the main difference to the existing target groups?

Now, of course, you could ask what the main difference is to the existing target group options, as we have already been able to address potential new customers in the past based on the views of product detail pages.

The main difference here lies in the past perspective. For the first time, we can now specifically target potential new customers who have shown interest in our product range in the past. In my opinion, this is a great opportunity, especially for high-priced products that require explanation, to approach undecided customers again and guide them towards a purchase.

How can I place retargeting ads on Amazon? 

Currently, retargeting ads are only possible via sponsored display ads (with the exception of Amazon DSP). This means that you must have a registered brand on Amazon in order to have this type of advertising activated.

At the moment (end of Dec. 2020), I cannot yet provide any empirical values on the new target groups and their ad performance. As always, this should be tested and the results subsequently evaluated.

NoteDo you need support with campaign design & optimization on Amazon? Then we can help you as Amazon PPC Agency can help.

Tobias Dziuba

My name is Tobias and I am the founder and managing director of the Amazon agency Adsmasters GmbH based in Düsseldorf.

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