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This article deals with the topic of how the Amazon Ranking so that your own product achieves the highest possible visibility. Behind the rankings is the Amazon A10 algorithm, which uses many different factors to calculate the relevance of a product for a search query. But which factors play a role and how can they be influenced? The possibilities range from classic Amazon SEO about Amazon PPC campaigns all the way to clever designed advertising campaigns. All measures to protect your own Optimize Amazon ranking you can find here.

Improve your Amazon ranking: Why are good positions so important?

More and more customers are starting the Product search Nowadays, the products are sold directly via Amazon, to the great advantage of sellers who list their products on the marketplace. But an active offer on Amazon alone is usually enough not to sell successfully on the platform. A prominent placement of the product in the search results is crucial for success, because only a product that is seen can generate traffic and sales.

However, the desired visibility is often limited to the first page of the search results and even here it makes a decisive difference whether your own offer is in the first or last position of the first search results. Search results page is listed. The "The winner takes it all"-effect can therefore also be observed on Amazon. The first results receive the most traffic, but this drops sharply with descending ranking. Very few customers search beyond the first page of results. The search query is often adjusted if the first results unsatisfactory turn out. Trust in a product also decreases with the ranking, as the number of customer reviews usually also drops sharply.

For these reasons, it is important to consider how you can optimize your Amazon ranking. To do this, your own product must be suitable search queries from the Amazon algorithm are classified as particularly relevant.

What should you consider if you want to improve your Amazon ranking?

If you want to optimize your Amazon ranking, you should be aware that a Ranking improvement does not happen overnight. Nor should you rest on your laurels, because the Amazon marketplace is constantly changing. It is a process that requires time and attention.

Success in improving the ranking also depends on the strongly from the competition. A well-researched niche product will find it much easier to achieve a high position in the search results than a product that already has numerous successful competitors on Amazon. In the latter case, quality is particularly important:

A product that is inferior from the customer's point of view will not be able to survive alongside the competition in the long term. Negative customer reviews will also reduce trust in the product over time and lead to a poorer ranking. However, if your product has a decisive advantage over the competition, the chances are good that it will prevail in the long term with the right measures and that the Amazon ranking can be optimized.


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Improve Amazon ranking - The Amazon A10 algorithm

The A10 Algorithm from Amazon determines the ranking of search results for a search query. The algorithm sorts the results according to descending Purchase probability. Amazon keeps to itself how exactly the A10 algorithm works and which factors are weighted and how. On the basis of various Sources and experiences However, it can be stated that the algorithm is influenced by direct and indirect factors. The direct factors are also called Relevance factors and can be influenced directly. The indirect factorsperformance factors, result from external circumstances and cannot be influenced directly. The Optimization potentialto improve an Amazon ranking lies in the relevance factors.

Important relevance factors and performance factors

In the following, I would first like to Influenceable relevance factors whose optimization can certainly improve the Amazon ranking.

1. the right product category

The product category should not be chosen hastily; it is worth doing some research beforehand. If there are several subcategories to choose from, you should consider the following aspects:

  • Choose a category in which your product fits well thematically
  • The fewer products there are in the category, the higher your chances of winning the award with your product. Category bestseller to ascend

2. product title

Here it is important to first carry out a thorough Keyword research so that relevant search terms can then be placed in the title. You can find out which tools you can use for keyword research in the next chapter. In addition to keyword placement, you should also ensure that the title matches the customer's search query and encourages them to click. Pure Keyword sequences are rarely appealing to the customer. In addition, the Style guides of the respective product category must be observed; among other things, these specify the maximum length of the title. Violations of the style guides can result in poorer positioning or, in the worst case, the blocking of the product.

3. bullet points

With the (usually five) attributes of the Product listings is similar to the title. It is worth placing other relevant search terms here and at the same time providing the customer with important information for the purchase decision. The texts should appear natural, because first and foremost they should be appealing to the customer, just like the title. The style guides also contain requirements for the design of the bullet points that should be adhered to.

Important: The total length of the Bullet points should be 1000 characters (i.e. about 200 characters per attribute), as there are indications that exceeding this limit leads to incomplete indexing of the placed keywords.

4. backend keywords

In the backend, the field "General keywords" (also "General search terms") 249 bytes of space for further relevant search terms. Here it is advisable to enter keywords that can no longer be placed in the listing itself or that should not be publicly visible. To make optimum use of the space, only enter search terms that have not already been placed in the listing.

Tip: Avoid filler words and use for compound terms like "dog leash" a spelling with a hyphen ("dog-leash"). In this way, several spellings and keywords are covered at once, such as "dog leash", "dog/dogs", "leash", "dog leash", "leash dogs", "leash for dogs". In this way, the limited space can be used optimally.

5. product description

Whether and to what extent keywords that are placed in the product description are indexed is controversial. It is therefore recommendablefor relevant search terms using titles, bullet points and backend keywords. In addition, keywords in the Product description can certainly do no harm, but to be on the safe side, it should not be assumed that these will be indexed. Due to its limited relevance with regard to keywords, the product description is often neglected.

You can use this to your advantage, as it is still very important when it comes to improving your Amazon ranking. While the title and bullet points shouldn't be too long, the product description offers a further 2000 characters to help the customer understand the product. Information on and provide them with powerful selling points. If your product generates many sales in connection with a search query, this will be rewarded with higher relevance and an increasing ranking in the search results.

6. product images

High-resolution product images from as many different positions as possible create trust in the product and answer many unanswered questions. What's more, first impressions count here: the image and title are the first things the customer sees and decide whether the product is clicked on in the first place. Choose the image size so that the customer can use the zoom function and thus see details clearly.

7. sales history and return rate

The sales history is the reason why a product will not move from a lower position to number 1 overnight and why patience is required if you want to optimize an Amazon ranking. Amazon looks at the entire history of the product when assessing its relevance. This is why it is so important not to rest on your laurels, but to constantly check the CTR and conversion rate. Only a product that fulfills these factors in the long term will rise in the ranking and be able to maintain its position.

The returns rate also plays a major role, as customer satisfaction is a high priority for Amazon. For this reason, the algorithm not only determines how likely it is that the product will be purchased, but also how likely it is that the customer will be satisfied with the product. The Return rate provides valuable pointers. The following tips will help to keep this as low as possible:

  •  Ensure that the product is securely packaged to prevent damage during transportation as far as possible
  • Use realistic product images. Deviations, e.g. in color, often lead to returns
  • Provide as much honest information about the product as possible. The more the customer knows about the product, the less likely they are to return it
  • Analyze bad reviews and try to improve the product/packaging/service

The performance factors influence the ranking indirectly. The following factors play a role here:

1. click-through rate (CTR)

The CTR is another indicator for the algorithm as to whether a product is relevant for a search query. If a product is clicked more often for a search query than Competitive productsIt is also assumed that they are more relevant. In addition to organic clicks, the CTR can also be increased through PPC campaigns.

2. product reviews

Another factor that can only be influenced to a limited extent is the reviews of a product. The same tips for keeping returns to a minimum are suitable for obtaining positive reviews: Sufficient honest information in the text as well as realistic product images so that the customer knows what they are getting. There are several methods for generating as many reviews as possible, although not all of them comply with Amazon's guidelines. One legal method for selected products, for example, is the use of Amazon Vine.

3. conversion rate

The conversion rate is also an important factor that is taken into account by the A10 algorithm. It is an important addition to the CTR, because a product that is often clicked on for a search query but never leads to a conversion cannot be particularly relevant despite the high CTR. The conversion rate is significantly influenced by the relevance factors, because what ultimately leads to the purchase decision is the information on the product detail page, i.e. appealing product images, title, bullet points, product description and also a competitive price.

Which tools are useful for keyword research?

Once you have clarified which algorithm factors can be optimized to improve your Amazon ranking, here are some tools that can help you with your initial keyword research. All of the tools listed here are Basic functions can be used free of charge.

1. Amazon Auto-Suggest

Amazon's auto-complete function is probably the simplest "tool" for determining relevant keyword combinations. To do this, enter the main keyword in the Amazon search box and adopts the proposals of the Auto-complete. For even more results, you can enter the main keyword followed by each letter of the alphabet.

2. sonar

The SEO tool from Sellics is specially tailored to Amazon and offers two useful functions for keyword research. On the one hand, the tool also offers a function for researching popular keywords. Keyword combinationsbut Sonar can also be used to discover related terms and synonyms in order to find further information. Main keywords to find.

3. keyword tool also makes use of auto-completion. This allows the most popular keywords to be Keyword combinations generate. The list can also be exported as a CSV or Excel file.

Important: Amazon must first be selected as the marketplace and the corresponding language.

4th Amalyze Keyword Plugin

The keyword plugin from Amalyze can be used with the Google Chrome Browser use. It offers the option of monitoring your own listing and checking whether it ranks for certain search terms. In addition, ASINs of successful competitor products can be analyzed and the keywords adopted for your own listing.

5 Amazon Brand Analytics

The Amazon internal tool can be used by retailers with their own registered brand. Brand Analytics provides a database with numerous search terms, sorted by search frequency rank. The database can also be actively searched for a search term in order to determine the corresponding search frequency rank. The tool also offers the option of entering an ASIN. The top 5 are then displayed Competitor products.

How can advertising campaigns improve the Amazon ranking?

Amazon PPC campaigns also only have an indirect effect on the organic ranking, which should not be underestimated. First of all, the most important search queries are determined for the product and booked as keywords in the campaign. In this way, your product (depending on the bid) appears at the top of the results page for these search queries. In this way, new products and products that do not rank on the first pages in particular receive visibility that cannot be achieved organically (at this time).

If the relevance factors, including images, titles, bullet points and Product description the increased visibility will also lead to an increased CTR and conversion rate. If your product performs well in all relevance and performance factors in the long term with the help of PPC campaigns, the organic Amazon ranking will also improve significantly over time. In this way, PPC campaigns can give new products in particular a "jump start".

Improve Amazon ranking - What else can undertaken become?

In order to organic ranking there are a few more measures that can be considered:

1. use Amazon FBA

If you decide to use Amazon shipping, you will receive the Prime qualification. Products shipped by Amazon benefit on the one hand from increased trust on the part of customers, and on the other hand Prime members like their advantages. Compared to products with FBM, which are therefore shipped by the retailer, this often results in a Higher CTR and conversion rate. In addition, they are often given preferential treatment by the Amazon algorithm.

2. free shipping

If only Self-dispatch is possible, it may be worth removing the shipping costs for the product. This applies in particular if there are competing products with Prime qualification exists. Prime customers in particular, who pay an annual fee for the benefit of free shipping for Prime products, are reluctant to pay additional shipping costs for a product. They are often even willing to pay more for a product just to take advantage of the Prime benefit. As an additional incentive to buy, Prime shipping can be activated or Prime can be used by sellers.

3. promotions & coupons

Promotions and coupons can draw more attention to your own offer and increase the likelihood of purchase. This can lead to an increase in both the CTR and the conversion rate. Depending on how the promotion is designed, it can also lead to more sales (example: pay 1, get 2) or offer an incentive to buy several products from one brand (example: buy 2 products from brand XY and receive a 10% discount).


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Improve Amazon ranking - Conclusion

It becomes clear that there are numerous factors that influence the ranking of a product in the Amazon search results determine. Some of these, such as titles, bullet points and Product imagescan be actively influenced and optimized. A Detailed keyword research helps to find all relevant Search terms and then place them in the listing. The performance factors result indirectly from these optimizations and can lead to a significant improvement in the Amazon ranking in the long term. Besides Amazon SEO measures however, the performance factors can be influenced by other measures. These include PPC campaigns, the Prime qualification and attractive advertising campaigns also have an impact.


Note: Do you need support with optimizing your product listings on Amazon? Amazon SEO Agency can help.


Which Amazon SEO factors influence the organic ranking?

In Amazon SEO, we differentiate between relevance and performance factors. Amazon uses the relevance factors to determine whether a product is relevant to the customer's search query. Amazon uses the performance factors, such as sales, click rate or conversion rate, to decide the ranking position of the individual products.

What is Amazon SEO?

Amazon SEO describes the process by which the content of a product detail page is optimized so that the product is displayed at the top of a search results page if possible. The aim is to increase visibility and ultimately the sales generated via organic rankings.

What are Amazon Listings?

Amazon Listings are Amazon product detail pages that contain all relevant information such as product images, prices, reviews and product texts. Each product can only have one product listing on Amazon.

Tobias Dziuba

My name is Tobias and I am the founder and managing director of the Amazon agency Adsmasters GmbH based in Düsseldorf.

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