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Do you want to gain insights into the entire customer journey instead of just serving the various channels at random? Then take a closer look at Amazon Attribution.

Amazon Attribution accompanies you in the world of advertising reports and analyses so that you can keep track of your results on non-Amazon marketing channels. Yes, you read that right: on non-Amazon marketing channels! Because even the online mail order giant is aware that the foundations for sales can also be laid outside of the Amazon Marketplace. Amazon Attribution was born to address this issue.

The following article explains in more detail what this means, how it can be used and who can use it.

What is Amazon Attribution and how do I use it?

Customers and brands are now interacting more than ever before. The word touchpoints is often used in this context. These are points of contact between companies and (potential) customers. These touchpoints occur along the customer journey, i.e. before, during and after the purchase. So if you sell something on Amazon, the touchpoints are also outside of Amazon, for example on social media channels or Google.

In order to understand the customer's overall experience, i.e. their entire customer journey, each of these touchpoints is an important point of reference. This allows you to determine which channels work best.

The magic word in this context is "Amazon Attribution". This is an analysis tool developed by Amazon that helps to visualize the impact of non-Amazon marketing channels on sales performance on Amazon.

Which marketing channels are we talking about here? We are talking about social media ads, search ads, video ads, display ads, but also email marketing. With these insights, sellers can find out the touchpoints that attract the attention of potential customers and thus make them consider buying a product. Only what is visible can be used.

With this information, you can find new ways or expand well-functioning ways to further boost your business on Amazon. Suitable strategies for marketing measures on all important channels can be easily defined with the help of Amazon Attribution.

Find out more about customers' interactions with your brand: from the point of first perception to the purchase intention to the final purchase decision.

The key features of Amazon Attribution

So now you have a first rough idea of what Amazon Attribution is all about and how you can use it. These are the main features that Amazon Attribution has in store for you:

  • Measurement & evaluation: Insights into the efficiency of advertising channels in terms of sales.
  • Optimization: Do you want to optimize current campaigns? Through the On-demand attribution reporting you can analyze on demand which audience strategy best increases the performance of your marketing measures.
  • Planning: On the basis of performance values, you can plan future marketing strategies and thus further increase the return on investment (ROI).

How advertisers can use Amazon Attribution

Now that you know the main features of Amazon Attribution, the question is how you can use the tool as an advertiser.

Although Amazon Advertising helps to increase the number of touchpoints for your brand and products, there are of course many channels outside of Amazon that are highly relevant for the customer journey.

Amazon attribution reports give you an overview of how these touchpoints outside of Amazon make customers aware of your Amazon products. Advertising analyses tell you what is well received by your customers, allowing you to plan your digital strategy and optimize existing channels.

All advantages at a glance

After all this information, the question arises as to what exactly all this means for you. What are the benefits of using Amazon Attribution? The most important advantages of Amazon Attribution for you are 

  1. Download detailed reports

All reports are displayed via the Advertising Console and can be downloaded accordingly. Amazon Attribution reports include standard traffic metrics (such as impressions and clicks), but also Amazon conversion metrics (such as detail page views, add to cart clicks and purchases).  

  1. Optimization of existing campaigns 

Once you have identified the most important touchpoints, you can decide which advertising measures you want to invest more attention in and which require optimization. This way, you can ensure the added value of a marketing campaign for your brand and your sales on Amazon. 

  1. Discovering new sales opportunities 

If you know exactly how customers interact with your brand, you can discover new sales opportunities as the best-selling strategies become visible to you.

Start with Amazon Attribution

  1. Log in first.
  2. You can then add the ASINs of the products whose conversions interest you in the so-called order level.
  3. You can then generate tags for your marketing strategies and implement them in the target URLs of the advertising media.

What is this possible for? The tool can be used for

  • Want ads
  • Social media ads
  • Display ads
  • Video ads
  • in e-mail marketing.

The principle of Amazon tracking is comparable to Facebook tracking or Google Analytics. 

If a user reaches Amazon via a tagged advertising medium, the corresponding data is stored in the system. The data obtained in this way is by no means limited to whether the user ultimately buys your product or not. For example, the other behavior of non-buyers is also recorded, such as add-to-cart clicks or views of product detail pages. You can use this data to optimize your marketing measures in a targeted manner.

Manual use

If advertisers want to use Amazon Attribution manually, they can do so in the following way:

  1. Enter the campaign name.
  2. Select the products to be tracked. A tip: Check their availability beforehand.
  3. Create an ad group and give it a name.
  4. Select the appropriate publisher (such as Facebook, Google Adword and GDN and so on).
  5. Select the channel (such as social, video, email, display or search).
  6. Enter the click-through URL (product detail page or brand store).
  7. Create your campaign.

Collection process via bulk

An alternative method is the collection process via bulk:

  1. Select the appropriate publisher (e.g. Google Ads, Facebook or Instagram).
  2. If available, carry out a collective file upload.
  3. Download templates including instructions (Google or Facebook).

Amazon attribution integration in the Advertising Console

Using Amazon Attribution has been even easier since November 2021, when Amazon Attribution was integrated into the Advertising Console. For example, you can invite other users (such as agency partners) to your Amazon Attribution Console, which is possible directly within the Console. Simply select "Manage" in the navigation bar and then "User management" to add users.

Who can use Amazon Attribution?

The Amazon Attribution tool is currently available in the following countries on the American and European continents:

  • USA
  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • Germany
  • France
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Netherlands
  • United Kingdom

Amazon Attribution is available to the following persons in the above-mentioned areas:

  • Seller (which must be registered in Amazon's trademark register)
  • Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) authors (who sell products on Amazon)
  • Amazon agencies (whose customers sell products via Amazon)
  • Vendors (which must be registered in Amazon's trademark register); you are not yet a Amazon Vendorbut would like to find out more? You'll find lots of helpful information under the link.

Since the feature was integrated into the Amazon Advertising Console in November 2021, Amazon Attribution is accessible free of charge to all eligible merchants, sellers and tool providers via the Amazon Ads API.


Now that the topic of Amazon attribution has been comprehensively examined in the course of this article, the following section focuses on other important questions relating to Amazon and Amazon Advertising.

What does a click on Amazon cost?

It is difficult to determine an exact price for a single click on Amazon. The price usually depends on various factors. These factors include, for example, the type of campaign or the competition for the keyword.

In principle, the selected advertising formats are charged per click. The sellers themselves determine the amount they want to pay per click for each search term - on average, the costs per click (cost per click, CPC) on Amazon - depending on the competition - are as follows between 0.05 and 1.50 euros.

What exactly is Amazon Advertising?

Amazon's advertising business is bundled under the name Amazon Advertising (formerly Amazon Marketing Services, AMS for short). Amazon Advertising includes a range of online advertising services from Amazon that allow companies to advertise their products on a number of Amazon websites, including,, and Through Amazon Advertising, companies can place advertisements to reach potential customers on Amazon who are looking for products and services that the companies have to offer.

With Amazon Advertising, companies can also use dynamically customized advertising to address their target group directly with personalized ads. Different ad formats are available to sellers, vendors and customers who are not yet selling on Amazon.

In addition to the classic pay-per-click business (PPC), it is also possible to book display ads on Amazon or in the display network. Audio and video ads as well as individual advertising solutions (e.g. by analog means) make Amazon Advertising a well-rounded offering. There are generally three different advertising options available: Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Display.

What does PPC mean on Amazon?

Amazon PPC stands for "pay-per-click", one of Amazon's most popular advertising techniques, in which companies pay a certain amount for each click on their ad. The costs depend on factors such as relevance, industry competition and search volume. With a professional PPC strategy, companies can attract attention on Amazon and reach new customer groups.

Conclusion - Amazon Attribution

Evaluate, optimize, plan - this is how the benefits of Amazon Attribution can be described in three words. The focus is on insights into the results of your non-Amazon advertising channels. Why? Because the entire customer journey counts! The way forward is no longer to serve the various channels at random, but to rely on figures, data and facts. Amazon Attribution makes this possible. It's up to you whether you opt for manual use or bulk collection. Both methods make it easier for you to finally keep track of non-Amazon marketing channels.

Clearly understand the impact of your cross-channel digital marketing activities. Then use on-demand advertising analytics to optimize your advertising campaigns, even while they are still running, to help maximize the impact and efficiency of your ads. Learn which of your campaigns are increasing sales and maximizing return on investment. This allows you to create and effectively implement future marketing plans.

With these future marketing measures, you have the interaction with your customers right in focus. As a result, your campaigns will utilize the potential that lies in the discovery that customers and brands are currently interacting more than ever before. It is therefore important to make the most of every single touchpoint in order to turn visitors into customers. You can even intervene in ongoing campaigns to avoid wasting valuable time and money.

So, what are you waiting for? The competition never sleeps!

How does Amazon Attribution work?

Amazon Attribution uses a tracking pixel to capture traffic and user behavior on external advertising channels. By linking this information with sales data on Amazon, Amazon Attribution can analyze the contribution of each advertising campaign or channel to sales on Amazon.

Which advertising channels are supported by Amazon Attribution?

Amazon Attribution supports a variety of advertising channels outside of Amazon, including search engine ads (e.g. Google Ads), social media advertising (e.g. Facebook, Instagram), display networks, email marketing and more.

How can I activate Amazon Attribution?

To activate Amazon Attribution, you must register for the program. To do this, go to the Amazon Advertising website and follow the setup instructions. Certain requirements and approval procedures may apply.

Tobias Dziuba

My name is Tobias and I am the founder and managing director of the Amazon agency Adsmasters GmbH based in Düsseldorf.

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